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  • What is a V60?

    What is a V60?

    A deep dive into the core of pour-over coffee What is it? Although it may look very humble in appearance, the V60 is known as a favorite amongst specialty coffee...
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  • What is a moka pot?

    What is a moka pot?

    And no, it's not just for making mochas What is it? The moka pot is a coffee maker that works by pushing water through coffee grounds using vaporized pressure. There...
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  • What is aeropress coffee?

    What is aeropress coffee?

    The perfect coffee under pressure   What is it? Introduced in 2005, The Aeropress is a far more modern design than some of the other brewers we've featured at Hips...
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  • What is a french press?

    What is a french press?

    The perfect coffee maker for hosting... or if you can drink a lot of coffee What is it? You may have been served coffee in one of these at a...
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